Thursday, April 30, 2009

LT Sweet Nothings Dingbat Font

LT Sweet Nothings Dingbat FontIntroducing the my new dingbat font design, LT Sweet Nothings, version 1.00 of this dingbat was initially released April 30, 2009. The font is comprised of 51 stylish and unique "sweet nothings," ideal for use in graphic design. Skulls, scrolls (or flourishes), guns, birdies;  basically it's a totally kick-ass dingbat, with all the stuff we like to clutter our designs with.

LT Sweet Nothings Dingbat Font Poster

LT Sweet Nothings Dingbat Font
Download Font
The zip contains 1 font file in Windows TrueType™ format. and the ReadMe.txt that defining the Terms of Use/End User License Agreement. Please read the Terms of Use/End User License Agreement as the terms specified within are binding upon download.

The download is licensed free for personal use. Commercial use of this font requires a donation. Donations for the license to use this font commercially can be placed via PayPal using any major credit card, and do not require a PayPal account. Click here if you would like to donate. Email me if you have any questions or need any assistance.

LT Sweet Nothings Example
LT Sweet Nothings Dingbat Font Example

The dings come from my own artwork, while inspiration for a few "vintage" looking dings, such as the fist with brass knuckles and the good luck ring, coming from a Johnson Smith & Co advertisement in the January 1933 issue of, "Everyday Science and Mechanics."

The ad is a true gem, with many more unusual woodcut drawings of the period. I was so taken by them I was certain others might be as well; hence, I recreated them here in this dingbat font.

Depicted in the character mapped as the latin lowercase letter x are Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire as they appear on a poster for the movie they starred in which was entitled, "Swing Time." The film, also a gem, I am glad to have caught one afternoon on American Movie Classics, a cable network.

New Dingbat & Other Projects...

New Dingbat & Other Projects... I just submitted the new dingbat I created, LT Sweet Nothings, to for review. I hope that it will be included on the next update, along with my other new submissions, LT White Fang Font and Nymph's Handwriting Font.

New fonts are added approximately once a month so it shouldn't be long to wait for the next update.

LT Sweet Nothings Dingbat Font
LT Sweet Nothings Dingbat Font »

It is neat to see how my fonts are being received. So for now, and at least till I get my domain (nymphont .com) situated, I have no plans to change this as I don't see it as an inconvenience really.

Also... my friends at Horror Show skateboards have asked me to create stuff for them... as a matter of fact they said I can design their entire site, which is way cool and I do not want to pass that up. But I must admit I am a little intimidated, they are super cool guys though, and I know them and their style well. I think I'll start with a sticker design first though, he he he. Just kidding, I can't wait to get started on that.
Some old journal/blog templates I designed for myself and others a few years ago...(Yes they do enlarge if you click on them):

Simple Life journal

Childsprey Layout for Danielle

The image directly above with "Lauren's Homepage," is an old PG personal site I created for my folks, he he. Yeah, telling my Dad my domain name was... interesting. He said, "Yeah, like a wood nymph. Right." Well Daddy, that's me, your little stripper in Vegas. Ha ha. There's no shame in my game though!

Set Me Free using Frail & Bedazzled font
Oh and I found this on flicker, someone using my font Frail&Bedazzled on some stuff. Cool.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Fonts moved to updated page

Sorry, this post has moved! 
See The Fonts.

Street Cred! Thanks to the Wayback Machine

If you haven't discovered the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine yet, let me tell you, it is definitely one if the internet's most interesting and significant websites. The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine does just what the name implies. Since 1996, the non-profit organization has been collecting any and all available digital data from the world wide web that it was able to acquire. I think it's a must see, harking back to the good old days, the early days of my affair with the Internet and making web pages.

What's really wonderful about the Wayback Machine, is that archived pages are functional; you can click on the links and "surf," the web as it was at that particular time. I get to visit old favorites that are now defunct, radness! And best of all, I can take a look back at my own past on the world wide web.

I had to share with you this screen cap of this DHTML tabbed discography (Smashing Pumpkins) I created in 1998. DHTML. At the time, none of my fellow dweebs with a Smashing Pumpkins fan site (yes, I had an SP fan site!) incorporated DHTML into their web pages. Nope. That was cutting edge. And I don't mean to toot my own horn, (yes I do) but at the time I had one of the most comprehensive and complete SP discographies on the web. Not that it's something to brag about, {he he} actually now it's a little embarrassing. Nonetheless, check out the discography at Laurie Angel's Pumpkin Shrine from 1998.

Mind you the colors are horrendous, the archived page is just my completed DHTML tab "outline" as it were, so it's not at it's fully complete appearance with colors and fonts selected, but it is at it's functional completion. If you visit the page, and I do hope you take a peek, click on the tabs. They have no cursor change on mouse over, as the DHTML dictates, but trust me the tabs all work. Smoothly too I might add. Good coding, man that's good coding! And you know what, if DHTML was cross browser compliant and I didn't loathe IE, I would use a tabbed menu like this again.

Archive Screencapture

I will have more of my own archived goodies as well as some nostalgic fan-favorites to share so stay tuned. ~Nymphont

Monday, April 27, 2009

Onwards & Upwards with Type to Inspire

Onwards & Upwards with Type to InspireThis post is more like a "twit," as in just a quick note, like a twitter update.

Nymphont would not like to dwell on the events depicted by my previous post, nor would I like anyone else. So, onwards and upwards, let's return to the subject at hand which is typography!

To gratify your typographic cravings, here are some nifty examples that should do the trick & hopefully inspire. Enjoy.

Thumbnails are cropped as well as re-sized, so you must click to view larger and full size

Click to View Entire Image and Enlarge Click to View Entire Image and Enlarge

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ha ha ha... this sucks!

Thumb Guess what I just did.

I keep all of my most important personal and work items on a sweet little removable memory thingy. It's organized and convenient.
And I just accidentaly re-formatted it.

Yep. Gone. All of it. This means everything, works in progress, web designs, fonts I was working on...

All efforts to retrieve the lost items have ceased, as I have been unsuccessful. I am an official dumass, idiot, insert any like insulting title here. That'd be me.

I am not optimistic about future attempts at retreival... it's too soon. I'm still too worked up by the fiaso.

One time, I got really pissed off and threw my cellphone into the toilet. When it hit the water I saw the screen flash off. I didn't even try to rescue it. Water, cellphones... it was a lost cause. Chalked it up to a loss and calmed down.

My boyfriend at the time came home, at least thirty minues later, and he decided to fetch the phone from it's watery grave.

And I shit you not, the mutherfucker turned right back on. And it was a crappy Criket Kyocera too.

Who knows. Maybe I will make another attempt to restore what I deleted, but maybe not. Ugh, I could vomit. He he. Meh.

I feel special

I feel special
My sister, "the book enthusiast" that she is, picked up a font book for me while she was out book hunting the other day.Scoured the internet for a pic to share, {laughs} but the only one I could find was the Spanish version. Sorry. My camera phone is on the fritz so for now this is all I have for you:

Shareware Treasure Chest: True Type Fonts Collection
It's called "Shareware Treasure Chest: True Type Fonts Collection." The coolest thing about this book, is that it's like an antique. Circa 1993, it even came complete with an old (vintage) diskette with all of the fonts featured in the book!

Old diskettes
1993? I thought we were using the more recent outdated floppy disks by then! Wow.

Friday, April 24, 2009

LT White Fang Font

LT White Fang FontIntroducing LT White Fang, my new font design which made it's initial debut April 6, 2009. This decorative black-letter font features a bold outline look, with the uppercase letters accented with spiders and spider-webs. The font contains 155 characters in 9 ranges.

LT White Fang Font
« Download Font »

The zip contains 1 font files in Windows TrueType™ format and the ReadMe.txt that defining the Terms of Use/End User License Agreement. Please read the Terms of Use/End User License Agreement as the terms specified within are binding upon download.

The download is licensed free for personal use. Commercial use of this font requires a donation. Donations for the license to use this font commercially can be placed via PayPal using any major credit card, and do not require a PayPal account. Click here if you would like to donate. Email me if you have any questions or need any assistance.

LT White Fang Font Example
LT White Fang Font Example

This font was given the name "LT White Fang," for it's open "white" centers, and "fang" of course is a reference to the spiders; however, all of the other fonts of this black letter style belong to my unreleased (at the time of this posting) "LT Libitina" family and series.

LT White Fang is just one of many variations to a black-letter inspired (Fraktur being the primary inspiration as it has been for many a typographer) font face designs I have made.

« List all Fonts ♥

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nymph's Handwriting Font

Nymph's Handwriting FontIntroducing Nymph's Handwriting, (Version 1.00 debuted April 14, 2009)  Yes, this font is based on my own handwriting. How could I make fonts without fonting my own handwriting, right? I had to make this.Anyways, I hope you like it. Enjoy!

Nymph's Handwriting Font
Download Font!

The zip contains 1 font files in Windows TrueType™ format and the ReadMe.txt that defining the Terms of Use/End User License Agreement. Please read the Terms of Use/End User License Agreement as the terms specified within are binding upon download.

The download is licensed free for personal use. Commercial use of this font requires a donation. Donations for the license to use this font commercially can be placed via PayPal using any major credit card, and do not require a PayPal account. Click here if you would like to donate. Email me if you have any questions or need any assistance.

Nymph's Handwriting Font Example
Nymph's Handwriting Font Example

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Newsings Had to share something on here! So here are some fonts I'm waiting to see added to right now presuming they are accepted...

And since I procrastinate so much and haven't even set this blog up fully or even forwarded my domain here yet like I should, the least I could do is show you what I have been up to:

NEW! LT White Fang Font details »
NEW! LT White Fang Font

NEW! Nymph's Handwriting details »
NEW! Nymph's Handwriting Font

Some site designs I haven't canned yet:

Some site designs I haven't canned yet

Some site designs I haven't canned yet

What do you think?