Saturday, January 16, 2010

News, Changes & Whats To Come

News, Changes & Whats To Come Well hello beloved blog reader, glad to have your visit! Whether this is your first visit or if you are a return visitor, the information I am about to share might be beneficial to you and your visiting pleasure.I regret that postings have become infrequent and irregular and have been for quite some time, but I write today to clear the air, bring those interested up to speed, and to break the recent dry spell of posts.

Some major and sort of major happenings to do with this blog occurred recently I thought were worth noting, and speaking of noting, one such happening was this blog being listed as a Blog of Note on November 13, 2009. This was a delightful surprise, I never thought my blog would be selected and it brought tons of new visitors my way. I am so thankful that LeBlogger recommended this blog to Blogger on twitter.

Another sorta major happening, is that I've moved to the domain Though I do own as well it is tied up under a hosting contract with a company that is unwilling/unable to provide the services I need, so.... I had no choice but to use Though I am sure it is cause for confusion, I was tired of using a blospot address. So any way you slice it, nymphont or nymfont, it's all me, nothing has changed.

And over the past few months, several new header variations have come and gone, and some general nips and tucks to the re-design have been undergone, still nothing major on that front. I am notoriously undecided about these things and your thoughts and feedback are so greatly appreciated and would be so helpful. Feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts, suggestions good or bad.

What's to come here at Nymphont? Well aside from tying loose ends from switching to, you can expect: more blogger templates in the near future, maybe some other freebies, such as header graphics and twitter birds, icons and more. And of course..... I have some fonts planned, a bunch of them that I look forward to publishing in the coming year as well.

Thanks for visiting and as always, have a super day! ~Lauren

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