Sunday, May 31, 2009

Girly Guns Desktop Wallpaper

Girly Guns Desktop Wallpaper Free wallpaper for your desktop. It is one of my older ones so it is only 1024x768 resolution, but it's here free for the taking. Mouse over for enlarge buttons, click once to enlarge, and click again to close. Enjoy... or don't it's up to you.

I used my LT Sweet Nothings Dingbat Font to make this wallpaper. :)

Girly Guns Desktop Wallpaper
« Download Desktop Wallpaper »

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fonts In Use: More LT Chickenhawk

Fonts In Use: More LT Chickenhawk Doing a little "self-googling" (yes I know that's totally dorky) I came across some examples of my "Fonts In Use." It's still really cool to me, not quite like hearing your song on the radio for the first time or anything, but it does have a similar affect.

If you have made something using any of my fonts, I would like to show off your creation in a future post, so email me, nymphont at yahoo dot com! Anyways, onto my discoveries, all of which feature my font LT Chickenhawk [View, Download and read more about LT Chickenhawk Font].

A personal site/blog using LT Chickenhawk Font on their title graphic
A personal site/blog using LT Chickenhawk font on their title graphic

A t-shirt design using LT Chickenhawk Font
A t-shirt design using LT Chickenhawk font. Upon reading the blog I discovered that to the dismay of the t-shirts commisioners, the vendor making the shirts for them ended up replacing the font with a different font. Tango no less, ew! Bummer.

Another site implementing LT Chickenhawk font
Another site implementing LT Chickenhawk font into their title graphic. Looks nice!

Pink Flourish Desktop Wallpaper

Pink Flourish Desktop Wallpaper Free wallpaper for your desktop. It is one of my older ones so it is only 1024x768 resolution, but it's here free for the taking. Mouse over for enlarge buttons, click once to enlarge, and click again to close. Enjoy... or don't it's up to you.

I used my dingbat LT Sweet Nothings to make this wallpaper.

Pink Flourish Desktop Wallpaper
Download Desktop Wallpaper ↓

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Tori Amos Inspired Clarendon Free Desktop WallpaperPink & Black Grunge Desktop WallpaperFree Love Valentine's Day Desktop WallpaperFree Watercolor Flourish Desktop Wallpaper

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fonts In Use: Kids Yoga Book

Fonts In Use: Kids Yoga Book An example of Nymphont font's in use, this yoga book for children featuring LT Chickenhawk is to be published in Finland. Super cute, I love it!

The font shown in this example is my LT Chickenhawk, and is available at Dafont, free for personal use. View & Download LT Chickenhawk.

Fonts In Use: Kids Yoga Book

If you have made something you would like to share using one of "Nymphont's Fonts," I would be happy to post them, just email me, nymphont at yahoo dot com, the images and any details, thanks!

Another Re-design

Another Re-design Hello, return visitors will surely notice that this blog has undergone yet another re-design. Being new to blogger, it took me just a bit to get used to their format. I think I am ready to settle down now with this look. Don't be scared now, please do leave a comment to let me know what you think of Nymphont's new look. Below are some captures of the looks that didn't last...

Early Nymphont Layout

Early Nymphont Layout, three column

Early Nymphont layout

I have to thank Blogger Buster, that is where I learned many tips & tricks for blogger layout customization. Great tutorials, that site was of much assistance.

Anywho, that's really all for now, just been tinkering around on blogger testing out new layouts. No font news for now, and as of yet, I don't have any fonts in waiting on but calm your weary hearts, there will be more fonts shortly. Ta ta! Stay tuned and give your life a listen. ~Lauren the Nymph

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Just My Type

Thumb Random notes and information on my fonts... First and foremost, my fonts are free for personal use only. Commercial users must donate to obtain the rights to license my fonts commercially. A more detailed terms of use comes along with all font downloads. Also, I prefer those interested to download my fonts from Other sites may feature old, out-dated and lower quality versions of my fonts.

Why are some of my fonts given the prefix, "LT," while others are not, is there a difference in quality between those with the prefix and those without? To answer the second question, no, there is no difference in quality. As to the reasoning for a font to have"LT" affixed to their name, it basically depends on the font style and how I would like the font to be perceived.

LT Chickenhawk

Some fonts, like LT Chickenhawk, are given the prefix, because they are such a unique and completely genuine never-before-seen original style by myself. In adding "LT" to it's name I feel more secure, that it would always been known as mine.

Many times the reason a font of mine lacks the "LT" prefix, because I want to lessen the amount that the fonts reception by "the public" and it's ensuing success or failure's relation to myself. Not that I am really well known, but since I have had at least one font in dafont's Top 100 at all times during the past year, regular visitors as well as font authors might be familiar with me. And this might make them more or less apt to view and download my fonts.

Champagne & Limousines

Champagne & Limousines for example, is a simple traditional (old-fashioned) styled geometric sans serif. I didn't want to clutter it up with a connection to me. I just wanted it to be the typeface, Champagne & Limousines.

Others are self explanatory, Nymph's Handwriting is another completely original font design, but I was comfortable that "Nymph" would be enough association to myself for me to feel secure.

Nymphette on the other hand... Let me tell you the truth about that font. The truth is, I hate that font. It could be better. I mean it looks good and all, but from a (novice) font-designers perspective... it could be better. Most wouldn't notice or mind that the glyphs have a ridiculous amount of points, but I know they do, and that bothers me.
The kicker is, thus far, Nymphette is my most successful font as far as longevity is concerned. Since it's debut 01-19-2009, Nymphette has remained in the Top100
I guess I am glad about it's success. Maybe not the most perfect of fonts, but it obviously serves a purpose, to remain so popular without any effort on my part to promote it. Though it's not one I would have chosen to be known for most, but what can you do?

I think LT Oksana is extremely unique and has many characteristics that add-- for lack of a better word, character to it's look.
I think in time, LT Oksana might be more appreciated. It's kinda neat I think.
LT Oksana

Maybe someday, I will fix the kerning and spacing issues with the font, as the kind folks at also pointed out. Yeah, I should.

The Significance of the 'LT' Prefix Explained

Another thing, "LT" is a reference to myself, Lauren Thompson. Early in my "experimenting" with digital type, I "googled" myself and fonts. When several results pertained to Linotype, I became a bit worried that some people might confuse my fonts as having some association with the foundry, which I do not. Nor am I trying to imply any or ride on anyone's coat-tails.
But so far this fear has proven to be unfounded, no one has ever said anything of the sort, I haven't heard any mention of it. Thankfully.

Anyways, sorry for the bore, these were just some things I have felt the need to clarify for quite some time.

"Stay tuned and give your life a listen," ~Me, Lauren Nymphont

Friday, May 15, 2009

Nymphont Desktop Wallpapers

Thumb Free wallpaper for your desktop. I made these desktop wallpapers for myself, but if you feel so inclined you may use them on your own desktop. They are some of my older ones so they are only 1024x768 resolution, but they're here free for the taking. Mouse over for enlarge buttons, click once to enlarge, and click again to close. Enjoy... or don't it's up to you.

I used my dingbat LT Sweet Nothings to make this wallpaper.

Click to Enlarge & Download

Click to Enlarge & Download

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Getting Situated

There, that's more like it. I played around with the CSS properties and think I have come up with a style I can live with, for a little while at least, though, it's not that impressive. But then again, I have put this blog up haphazardly whilst managing my .com.

How quaint! "Lauren's Great Patriotic Site Award," circa 1997 and prior. It was rated 3.0 on Award Sites, he he he. Relics thanks to The Internet Archive.

And my old banner for my old link-ware graphics site from the same era! This was when I began making quantum leaps in my ability manipulate graphics as well as design, and began to take advancing those skills seriously. I remember making the "pearl" embellishments from a blank canvas was a skill I newly acquired at the time.

I can't believe I ever used that font though, it's right up there in the cheezy font category! I did use a lovely ding-bat called BR Doodles from Back Room Graphics to "set" the pearls in. I'll give them a shout-out since they were so kind back then, and I myself am making fonts as well. Thanks Back Room Graphics!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Technical Difficulties and Some Inspiring Type

Technical Difficulties and Some Inspiring TypeOh man, yesterday construction in my neighborhood caused the cable to go out and I couldn't get a wireless signal for anything! I was mid many-a-project online, and wasn't able to get back till now! For a geek like me, no internet connection really sucks.

I wanted to post some images I have found for fellow lovers of typography. These particular items I find inspiring myself, maybe you will too.
Thumbnails are cropped as well as re-sized, so you must click to view larger & full size!
Hershield Montanta 1881 Check Early American Cigarette Pack Cigarette Pack Reverse