Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Free Blogger Template: Pointe du Lac

Free Blogger Template: Pointe du LacPaying homage to a favorite author and novel, my latest free Blogger template, Pointe du Lac derives it's name from the Anne Rice novel, "Interview with the Vampire." Pointe du Lac allows the user to modify fonts and their colors easily from the Dashboard's "Fonts and Colors" section, and also has an additional (top) linkbar, which will reflect the user's blog data by default, or can be customized a variety of ways from the  "HTML Editor."

Another unique feature of this template is the ever so popular "Calendar Style" post date format, which display as shown with one easy change to "Settings" by the user.

Update 9/24/10!

I apologize for the inconvenience, but this version of the template is no longer available. Point du Lac II can be downloaded from this post.

Pointe du Lac
XML Blogger Template
By Lauren Thompson
Free Blogger Template: Pointe du Lac
Live Demo | Download Zip


  • 2 column fixed width layout, the second column allowing optional narrow-third column, all sections "widgetized" or "gadget-ready" 
  • 3 column footer, also "widgetized"
  • 2 Optional and customizable linkbars. Super easy to use and customize, details below.
  • Supports Blogger Dashboard editing tools, easily change fonts and colors in practically all areas of the template
  • Images included, you do not need to upload the images to your own server, they are stored in my account which allows generous direct linking bandwidth. However, users who have access to an image host are advised to download the images and upload them to their own server, as the bandwidth could potentially be exceeded in the future. Download the images from here
  • Title setup optimized and corrected for better SEO.
  • Embedded comment form below post
  • Functional search box included
  • Wireframe setup for easy adding and removing gadgets
  • "Calendar Style" post date


  • Templates are free to use in Blogger blogs, however, the link back to (usually located in the bottom footer) must not be removed.
  • Do not redistribute this template for paid download.
  • Do not add your own links to the template code and redistribute.
  • Modifications to the template are allowed either through the Blogger Dashboard or directly in the code, however, the link back to Nymphont/NymFont ( still must remain intact and again, not be removed, thank you. 
  • Do not add your own links to the template code and re-distribute.

  • If you are going to redistribute the template, you are not permitted to add your own links to the template.
  • In addition, it is asked that you do not link directly to my files for the download, nor upload them to your own servers for download. Instead you must link back to my own page for the template, or simply to the index of this website,
  • The terms and license for the template(s) must be stated and given whenever redistributing

This is non-negotiable. If you want to share or redistribute my templates, this is how it must be done. If you don't want to abide these terms, then you don't want to share or redistribute my templates.

Customizing Top Linkbar

To make modifications to the top linkbar, open the HTML Editor within the dashboard and find this in the code:
<!-- start top links -add up to 8 divs or change links or remove if you wish -->

There you will see each link is simply placed within <div></div> tags. You can modify and replace the existing three links, and add up to five more, allowing for a total of eight. These do not have to contain links but can also display plain text provided that it will fit on each "tab," or can be left blank by replacing existing div content with &nbsp;

The completed code for a blank or empty tag should look like this

Additionally this linkbar can be removed altogether by deleting the code starting at:
<!-- start top links -add up to 8 divs or change links or remove if you wish -->

And ending with:
<!-- end top links -->

Customizing Main Linkbar

Add your links to the main linkbar simply by clicking the "Layout" tab from the Blogger Dashboard, and then selecting "Page Elements." Click on the widget labeled "Linkbar," to add your links. If you do not want to use the linkbar, simply leave this widget empty.

Setting Up Calendar-Style Post Date

Have no fear, I promise setting up the post date is easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. Go to Dashboard > Settings > Formatting. From the "Date Header Format" select "DD Month YYYY" style, (two digit day, name of month, four digit year with no commas) and then select "Save Settings." Presto, done!

Additional Details

If you do have access to your own image host, you might want to  host the images at your own server. To do so download the images here and replace image URL's in the code with the corresponding URL's at your server.

I would love to get some feedback on this template! What do you think about Pointe du Lac? If you need any assistance with this template, feel free to leave a comment. I hope you like it!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Super Fonts In Use Roundup

Super Fonts In Use Roundup Here are some recent "Fonts in Use" finds I am happy to share. I'll start with some photos of the Lecker cookbook (Tasty in German) featuring my font LT Chickenhawk. The cookbook which is written in German, is really nicely done and I am glad that they selected my font.

Lecker Cookbook - Front Cover

Lecker Cookbook - InsideThe publishers were gracious enough to send me a copy of the book as well.The photo above is the front cover. The font is utilized quite extensively throughout,using it in illustrations and for all headings and titles, the image to the right is one inner page where LT Chickenhawk shines. Neato!

Custom ßAs a matter of fact, I have them to thank for the motivation to expand the comprehension of LT Chickenhawk, as I designed and created the 'ß' character for them, which then in turn inspired me to complete and add much more to the font. For more on this book, visit the Lecker website.

And last but definitely not least, I have four new and lovely screen captures of "Fonts in Use," to share. Take a moment to check out these lovely websites that make a momma proud. :)

I hope you enjoyed viewing and visiting these websites. If you have put my font to use on the web or in any other way and would like to share feel free to comment below. I'd be happy to feature your creation in a future Fonts In Use post.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Free Blogger Template: Mascara Sure

Free Blogger Template: Mascara Sure"Mascara Sure," is a free Blogger template that I coded and designed, the title of which yet again drawing inspiration from the great Smashing Pumpkins and their song, "Muzzle."

And it's of course a light and whimsical, feminine design, that's what I seem to do best! At least I was able to refrain from using the color pink for once, there is no pink in this template.

Speaking of colors, fonts and colors  can be changed easily right from the Blogger Dashboard just as in my other templates. Also in accordance with my other templates, Mascara Sure will be  fully functional upon uploading to the Blogger Dashboard.
XML Blogger Template
By Lauren Thompson
Free Blogger Template: Mascara Sure


  • 2 column fixed width layout, the second column allowing optional narrow-third column, all sections "widgetized" or "gadget-ready" 
  • 3 column footer, also "widgetized"
  • Optional and customizable Linkbar, have as many or as few links as you prefer. Super easy to implement, details below.
  • Supports Blogger Dashboard editing tools, easily change fonts and colors in practically all areas of the template
  • Images included, you do not need to upload the images to your own server, they are stored in my account which allows generous direct linking bandwidth. However, users who have access to an image host are advised to download the images and upload them to their own server, as the bandwidth could potentially be exceeded in the future. Download the images from here
  • Title setup optimized and corrected for better SEO.
  • Embedded comment form below post
  • Functional search box included


  • Templates are free to use in Blogger blogs, however, the link back to (usually located in the bottom footer) must not be removed.
  • Do not redistribute this template for paid download.
  • Do not add your own links to the template code and redistribute.
  • Modifications to the template are allowed either through the Blogger Dashboard or directly in the code, however, the link back to Nymphont/NymFont ( still must remain intact and again, not be removed, thank you. 
  • Do not add your own links to the template code and re-distribute.

  • If you are going to redistribute the template, you are not permitted to add your own links to the template.
  • In addition, it is asked that you do not link directly to my files for the download, nor upload them to your own servers for download. Instead you must link back to my own page for the template, or simply to the index of this website,
  • The terms and license for the template(s) must be stated and given whenever redistributing

This is non-negotiable. If you want to share or redistribute my templates, this is how it must be done. If you don't want to abide these terms, then you don't want to share or redistribute my templates.

Additional Details

This is a fully functional template once uploaded to the Blogger Dashboard, meaning you do not need to change any of the code, all data from your blog should be reflected upon it's implementation. However, If you do have access to your own image host, you might want to  host the images at your own server. To do so download the images here and replace image URL's in the code with the corresponding URL's at your server.

Add your links to the linkbar simply by clicking the Layout tab from the Blogger Dashboard, and then selecting "Page Elements." Click on the widget labeled "Linkbar," to add your links. If you do not want to use the linkbar, simlpy leave this widget empty.

Feel free to comment below.